Thursday, May 6, 2010


Well, things have been good. This other girl, Loraina, at work early this morning asked me a lot of questions about the church. Turns out she is Jehovah Witness but not practicing. I tried to teach her about priesthood authority (which the JW's believe in but don't believe it's on the earth currently) but I don't think she comprehended it. She seemed interested in meeting with the missionaries, so we shall see.
Another interesting thing that is developing with work is that my right leg and foot are starting to cramp up real bad with all the fast walking I do while there. I somehow pulled a muscle in my ankle area my first week at work and seems like it gets worse little by little. Hopefully nothing is too wrong. I just need to take it easy.

I haven't done much besides work today and watched an episode of the tv show Lost on Hulu (been sleeping, too many early morning shifts and lack of sleep). Last night's episode in fact. Lost has been my favorite TV show I have ever seen. My roommate Mike introduced it to me freshman year at BYU shortly after season one started and have been hooked ever since. It is on its final season with only two or three episodes left (grilling to wait and see how it will end). Some episodes are sort of less exciting because they are those transitional episodes to help the plot be set up. Well, last night's episode was not one of those, it was intense and quite honestly emotionally draining. There are few times in my life I cry during a film of any sort and I cried during this one. There is one other scene from Lost that I will show you hereafter but first want to talk about Sun and Jin's final scene in this TV show.
A background - Sun and Jin are husband and wife from Korea that haven't always had the best marriage but the Island seemed to have fixed their problems and even allowed Sun to become pregnant when earlier they couldn't have a baby. To make an extremely long story short. Sun and 5 others finally get off the island in 2 seasons ago, but Jin and others stayed. Sun thought Jin was dead during those three years but decided to go back to the Island after she found out Jin was still alive. It was a tender moment when they finally met again.
So now they are trying to leave the Island again but this time in a sub which then was placed with a bomb that exploded and now they try to escape one last time. Notice how Jin will not leave his wife again. Notice the music. Notice just even the littlest amount of feelings of sadness you may have felt. This thing, I hate to admit, made me ball. I edited these clips this evening.

Phew - made it through that one.

This next one is from 3 seasons earlier. Actually from season 3 episode 1. Much different time and events going on during this one than the last clip. Jack Shepherd, a doctor and leader of the survivors from the plane crash, is caught by The Others and they place him in a holding place. He is pretty resistant at first and Julia (the woman speaking during the clip who turns out to be a good guy unlike the rest of The Others) helps him calm down. We learn earlier that his wife has an affair and leaves him for that man. His own insanity drives him crazy to pushing her even more away. The flashback during the clip explains what happens and I love afterwards his greatest desire. It hit me so hit the first time I saw it because I had just gotten out of a tough relationship at that time that I still cared for the girl and wanted nothing else for her to be happy.

Ok ok, I promise I am not some sort of Lost junkie...I just wanted to share how awesome and amazing your feelings can be after watching something done right.'s a dedication to the most amazing TV show - LOST.

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