Sunday, August 8, 2010

Mormons Made Simple

Hey Friends!
Happy Sunday! Today was yet again another fantastic uplifting day.
This morning I crossed this awesome set of videos from this missionary minded website:
It has some flash animated videos about temples, the Book of Mormon, church services and Mormon Missionaries. Sure seems like a great idea to help with missionary efforts online.

Today I went to church the Barton's (the family I am staying with) and was able to hear my old BYU bishop, Terry Fox and his wife speak on obedience. I loved it. It was great to hear my old bishop that I would have meetings often with and to feel his great spirit. It definitely inspired me to be more obedient with the simple things.
He was the bishop that finally said i could head back to the mission field after a long time of trying to be healthy again. I got cold feet before I finished my papers and he kept encouraging me to do it. It was exactly the right push I needed to get back out. The next day I finished my papers, turned them in and then the following day received a phone call from Bishop Fox stating that the stake president received a phone call from the mission department to issue the call to return to my first mission, Seattle.

I can still remember when Bishop Fox called me. I was in my room going through books for school and I noticed my phone ringing with it saying Bishop Fox, which was normal, just thought it was another call to do something for him. It never crossed my mind that it would be related to my mission call as it was just 24 hours that it had been submitted. Then Bishop Fox stated the words that he received a phone call and was assigned to issue my mission call through the phone to head back to Seattle. It was a great experience for both of us. He knew how badly I wanted it and I wanted it so badly. Now my life has changed for the better of it. I was able to teach many people and see them join the church. It has been a tremendous blessing. I am grateful for it.

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