Saturday, August 28, 2010

New Apartment

Welcome to apartment 5 of Alpine Apartments where the men are real men...
Where there are 5 languages spoken...a National Yo-Yo champion, air soft lover, a Malaysian, a Japanese/Asian studies major, an Arabic major, and a small little TV all reside.

Some of the girls in the ward comment it as..."Wow! Your place is so much nicer than ours."

"You even have a view out of your window!" "You have tile along your oven to protect the wall!" or even best, "You have wall chair protectors!"

Nothing comes as good as apartment #5 (hm I feel like that should be a song).

Cool little story about getting this place. Cameron and I have been looking online for apartments but no luck. Finally, we went out together for the hunt. Emilie Gardner was great driving us around one day of searching, thank you Emilie. Cameron and I found this place, and knocked on a door to check it out. Someone opened up and the place was trashed, but there was something about it that felt like we should live here. We later found out the place was completely full and that they were saving two spots for guys that would come in that weekend to sign the contracts. So we kept searching and finally found a few places that had openings, but they didn't feel right, not like Alpine Apartments. So we declined those other apartments even though if we didn't sign soon, we for sure wouldn't even get those apartments. But we followed our feelings, I called later out of guilt telling Cameron I would and had forgotten the next week to see if there were any openings at Alpine Apartments and low and behold there were. Those two men coming to sign the contracts never did and so Cameron and I took it! It's been good so far and will be a great semester, we have great roommates.

Anyway, it's really not all that nice, but it is pretty nice. When we first moved in it was really nasty, mold and fungus in the refrigerator and bathroom. But that is ok. So here are some pictures:

Apparently our door is the only real door in the apartment complex, all the others are just a plain wood slab. We have a window and indentures in it ;) (don't mind the continual adds on our door, they are decoration after the first day of them being up).

This is the kitchen, oh very nice kitchen. I was talking to my roommate Cameron about something while sitting on the couch and in mid sentence said, "Whoa, we have a dishwasher!" Had no clue it'd come with something like that.

Here is on the opposite side of the kitchen (the kitchen is behind me) Tile all the way through, three chairs for four guys, really nice couches (the girls were jealous of these a lot) and a small little tiny TV that DOES come with free cable... Last night I finished reading my book out on the couch, it was really great. 

Then if you go to your right from the living room, you see a door and in this door is the study room for Cameron and I. It's not too bad. Obviously I have a lot of books... Most of which are for reference for church and school materials. Only three of them (as of now) are text books for this semester. Still some to organize around it...

On your right from the study is our little bathroom area. Which is just for for out personal needs. There is the shower in the left door. The shower is about as big as my bed, so watch out, it will take a long time to clean. The mirror was like that when we came in, just haven't gotten any Windex yet. 

Then here on the opposite of the bathroom area is a door that leads to the bedroom, which is not too bad. Good size closets and beds that could be bunked or put on cylinder blocks to store things underneath. The only problem, the beds are stiff as a rock and you can feel each individual spring going into your body. I have looked a couple times already for a bed pad but no luck yet. 

So that is my apartment. The same rooms are on the opposite side of the apartment for my roommates Nate and Tien. It will be interesting to see how it is when school finally starts up. I am working already with a job that is great, I love working at the NMELRC. I have seen many miracles in the last month while being in Utah and I thank God for it often. 

1 comment:

  1. loved the tour! It really is nice. I had to squint to actually see that tv, but that's ok, sounds like you will be too busy to watch much tv any way.
