Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Good in Everything - Always

I was reading this month's home teaching lesson by President Uchtdorf titled "Looking For the Good" and many different ideas came up that I thought I would write.

I often consider myself an optimist but sometimes I just am not. And often most of us aren't. We are more prone to look for the negative in a class, a teacher, a stranger, a homeless man, a leader or sadly even a family member. Some people in and especially outside of the church love to say a few crazy things about Brigham Young. Why? Because he was very outspoken on his talks and his personal life. He lived in a time of great adaptations were needed after the murder of Joseph Smith so it seemed as though most things were extreme (compared to know). Many church policies still needed to be made, church doctrine indoctrinated and a tumult of new members of the church coming weekly to the Utah frontier. Can you imagine if other members that were close to him said some of the little things we say about him now? Look at what his own counselor, George Q Cannon, a man who probably knew Brother Brigham better than anyone else has to say about Brigham Young's death,

"I never criticized or found fault with [Brigham Young's] conduct, his counsel or his teachings at any time in my heart, much less in my words or actions. This is a pleasure to me now. The thought that never was with me was: If I criticize or fin fault with, or judge Brother Brigham, how far shall I go; if I commence, where shall I stop? I dared not to trust myself in such a course. I knew that apostasy frequently resulted from the indulgence of the spirit of criticizing and faultfinding. Other, of greater strength, wisdom and experience than myself, might do many things and escape evil consequences which I dare not do." George Q. Cannon, Journal, Jan. 17, 1878

 My point of this article is not just to say we need to sustain our church leaders, but rather to always look for the good and not ever let ourself let negative criticizing thoughts come into our mind and heart. Once we let the littlest feeling of negativity it is that much easier for greater negativity to come and eventually take over our positive outlook on an item. So before we criticize anything, let us make sure we remember that there is always something good out of them. You don't have to like them to find good. (But as you find the good, you may just start to like them).

I have found that this type of attitude makes life incredibly easier. George Q. Cannon was probably saved from his own personal apostasy through this type of attitude. Likewise, for those of us that are members of the LDS church, we would be well advised to do the same. We also find ourselves more compassionate, begin to feel the pure love of Christ for others. We can forgive and repent more quickly and effectively. We have the spirit with us. People see that there is a difference in our countenance when we look for the positive.

I often think of the atonement. I think of how people here on this earth with me forgive me for my mistakes and short comings. How much more then does my Heavenly Father forgive and love me because of his positive outlook on me? He doesn't view me as a trouble maker, but He views me as what my full potential is and always encourages me to keep moving forward no matter how hard I fall. The atonement of Jesus Christ is what allows this to work and the atonement is God's witness of His infinite love for us which we don't realize how much it really all is. So before we judge those that have made mistakes and have weaknesses - let us remember that someone views them in a much more positive manner and we should follow that example.

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