Thursday, January 5, 2012

Lessons Learned in 2011 - What Is Really Important?

The year 2011 was an amazing year. I turned a quarter century, began BYU's second year of Arabic, gained everything that life had to offer for me at the time. It was full of scary, sad, and happy moments. I learned more of myself and how others feel and work. It seems the more I learn the more I realize how much I do not know and how everything is in God's hands. I met many great new people and built better relations with those I already knew. I hopefully didn't harm friendships and if I did, I am sorry for anything I have done wrong. I thought I'd put out a list of things I learned this year.

1. Buying a used laptop on eBay can be cheaper money wise but so is your experience with the item.

2. When I am home and the whole family gathers together in my parent's home, it is so loud! I now have 5 nephews and 2 nieces under the age of 7. I think my parent's need a bigger house. 

3. I learned how to appreciate the great weather of San Diego just a little bit more. It was sure warm this Christmas break and my few trips during the summer were great. 

4. I learned how much I appreciate my brothers and family. Click here

5. Money isn't everything and we must be wise about it. We get sucked up into how much money we are going to make and pleasing others that we forget have faith that all will be okay after we do all that we can. I also learned that I can be more frugal with my money and make better choices on what I do with it. 

6. I learned how hard Arabic really is. It is a beast and I will conquer this beast.

7. I learned what it would be like in graduate school and that I will survive it. I had an upper level class with the topics on contemporary Islamic issues (I will post my findings on here someday). There were only two of us in the class and as me and the other student turned in our final paper on the very last day of finals week, I couldn't be more proud of how we worked together so well and learned in a setting that I loved. Our professor was very happy with our efforts. It was a great a great boost after a time of lack of confidence in myself. Probably my happiest moment in my academic life. It told me I can do it, I can accomplish my academic goals. 

8. I never loved anyone more than I have than this last year. I never felt so high on life and the gospel. I learned a new level of being closer to my Father in Heaven. I learned how happy and confident I could be in life. I was the best man I had ever felt like I had ever been, even better then how I felt on my mission (which says a lot). I felt indefinitely in debt to her and the Lord because of how she made me feel. For the first time, I felt I had a purpose with another individual that I had been yearning for. What a miraculous feeling! I learned more than ever what a best friend meant and how happy a relationship could be. To me, no one was more of a princess than she was. 

9. In contrast, I learned what depression and heartache was. I felt more lonely than ever before. I felt a strong sense of loss of confidence and happiness. It taught me what others may feel, those that didn't have friends or something missing in their life that stopped them from doing their best. It was really helpful to have these feelings because I now can see a little better the life of those who struggle with sadness and depression. It is not a fun experience and I hope to be a better support for those that are struggling.

10. I learned that even though things may seem lost, we can still pick up and do better than what we think we can do. I can do anything and I will accomplish more than what others think I ever will.

Those are just a few, there are many many more lessons I have learned that I do not want to bore you with. But I'd like to share one last one that I learned more of this year and that is the reliance upon the atonement of Jesus Christ. I am nothing and He is everything. Heavenly Father loves me so much that he would give up His only Begotten Son for everyone that has and will live here in this beautiful world. I learned a little more what the power of prayer can be. I learned a little more of what it means to serve those around you. I learned a little more of how precious others are to God. My testimony is stronger, my ability to discern right from wrong is clearer, the spirit speaks a bit more sharper, and my love for my Savior has reached a new level. I got to do what I am commanded to do. I must keep breathing. I must keep myself clean from the stains of the world. I must keep the commandments. I must give more of myself into the hands of the Lord and trust that will all work out. 

1 comment:

  1. Very thoughtful. I enjoyed the insight into your experiences. And yes, for family gatherings, we could use a bigger house. For day to day stuff, not so much.
