Sunday, April 6, 2014

I Believe in Being Courageous: Women and Ordination

Bitter attacks happen all the time when it is presented on social media. It's like we all of a sudden became politicians on Capitol Hill. I hope this isn't one of those and that it may lead to a civil discussion and thoughts. I share my feelings as a weak and imperfect man. I have my faults and I am striving to be better.

I've posted about LDS women and some of them wanting ordination to the priesthood in the past. I received a lot of discouragement and rude comments. They tend to argue how they are being persecuted but I feel I have seen just as much judgment and rude comments come from them as towards them.

I also received comments from individuals who have thanked me for trying to be calm and supportive of church doctrine. And that's the thing here, this is doctrine, not a church policy.

I've seen two forms of supporters for women getting the priesthood thus far:
1) Women and men who actually want women to hold the priesthood and
2) women and men who support asking questions in the church.

I highly support asking questions. It's a historical fact that that's what has changed and developed so many things for the Restoration. I am grateful for those questions and decisions made by many people. I am too (to contrary belief) grateful for the sisters of Ordain Women to ask the question of women receiving the priesthood and for greater equality in the church. That is something I am impressed with! I love it. I've asked many questions myself and I feel that there have been answers and there haven't been answers. So here's my beef, I believe the Brethren have listened to these loving sisters' questions and an answer has been given. Several times.

Elder Oaks gave an incredible message last night at Priesthood Session about priesthood authority. It was straight forward, clear, and powerful. He began stating what priesthood is, that men are not the priesthood. He talked about the power of keys and the administration thereof. That there are several appendages to the priesthood power and keys. One of which was a calling in the priesthood offices. He also then stated that Relief Society was an appendage of the priesthood by it being called and under the priesthood authority of keys by the bishop. The same with female temple workers and sister missionaries. What an incredible explanation!

He stated that only men hold the priesthood and that "in the eyes of God, women and men are equal with different responsibilities." I believe that to be true. I believe that roles of men and women are like a choir. There are a handful of parts in a song sung by different groups. Each group a part. Each part together, in harmony, makes it sound like what the composer meant it to be.

But many will be offended by this notion. I believe these individuals have been deceived to think this is what God must do. I have a good handful of friends that are part of such desires. I love them and believe their intentions are well-intended. So how can I not support them for this motion? The same way I love my great aunt who chose to live an alternative life style and encourage her, with love, to come back to church. I love my great aunt and I know she loves me. When we talk after a little while, it's like we have been together our whole lives and never separated. I love her laugh and big hugs. And through all this love, it doesn't mean that  I have to support her in her decision that is against church doctrine. The same with these sisters; nothing stops me from loving them (in fact, there may be a bit more love for them than usual) but I don't support their actions and desires (except for the asking questions part, I do like that).

If you are one of them that support the ordination of women and you've made it this far in my post, I might have offended some of you. I've probably made you want to "unfriend" me and give me dirty looks on BYU campus like a few do. I apologize if I hurt your feelings but I don't apologize for believing and sharing what God has sustained for His plan. I encourage you, like my great aunt, to move forward and come in line with God's will. We love you and God loves you.

Also,  this happened last night:

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